Volunteering with Pride is fun, it's a great way to become involved meet new people and learn new skills. Its quick and easy to sign up.

We welcome anyone and everyone to become involved in Pride. It's a great way to meet new people, make friends, and really have some input into shaping future Prides within Torbay.
You'll be given a High viz (Go on now you really want to sign up), You can bring a friend and we will pair you together or buddy you up with someone no one walks or works alone here!
We will throw you some yummy food, tea, water, or coffee
We might even find you some CAKE!!!!! Now that's a reason in itself to sign up.

Go on you know you want to!

Concerns on the day.

Torbay Pride is conscious of working with the community and our neighbours therefore we will be constantly monitoring our Noise levels throughout our event. In the case of needing to raise a complaint or speak about noise levels please call the control unit on 01803 900201 *
All calls are recorded and held for record keeping.   

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